We’re excited about one of our latest e-commerce web designs. Ole River is a terrific furniture and décor shop with everything you’d want as a shopper. The styles, the inventory, the variety and options – and of course, beautiful product photography. Our sr. designer, Chad Campbell, dived right into this one with clean, sharp lines and modern typeface and design elements to match the style of not only the store, but of the shopper as well. With subdued colors (shades of gray) and a good use of negative space, Chad’s design showcases the products and categories without getting too cluttered. The design allows the shopper to steer and enjoy with a quiet, gallery-like feel. Americom Marketing design and AmeriCommerce software and strategies strike again, and we are proud of the result. Check them out soon and click around. You’ll love their accessories and wall art, but we keep clicking on the lamps and tables. Amazing stuff.